‘You Get the Picture!’: Our 20 Most Eye-Catching Film Poster Picks

The film poster is a big deal. The poster, along with the trailer, is our first interface with a film. That’s why the art department in a film production is possibly one of the most important; grabbing the attention, creating the atmosphere and setting the audience’s mood, establishing the initial expectations. That’s what film posters do. It’s a medium for the film’s promotion, and since representation and appearance matter so much, it has to be compelling.

We collected the most eye-catching film posters, not just of recent years but also older and classic ones, that in our opinion stand out and make the rest art directors wanna step up their game a little. The order is absolutely random. Let us know what you think and share your choices in the comments below!

Let’s begin!

1. Lo and Behold, Reveries of the Connected World – Werner Herzog

lo-and-behold-reveries-of-the-connected-world-2016 Continue reading “‘You Get the Picture!’: Our 20 Most Eye-Catching Film Poster Picks”